Friday, January 23, 2009


is much better... still kinda depressedabout god knows what and I just want to go up north and away from this woman ...

So I am def taking the trip across country I already planned it out my itinerary is

Fairless Hills, PA
Fairless Hills, PA
Mechanicsburg, PA
Nashville, TN
New Orleans, LA
Albequorqie, NM
Tuscan, AZ
Tustin, CA
Las Vegas, NV
Grand Canyon, AZ
Denver, CO
McHentry, IL/Chicago, IL
*maybe Mechanicsburg again
Fairless Hills, PA
and anything in between that peeks my interest

I have 3 months to do this so I'm excited about it ... I also wanted to go to South Dakota but that is def waaay out of the way

I've been telling my mom about it and all ans she called me up yesterday crying how she was going to miss me and this and that and I cant leave her alone LMAO! Just another one of her famous guilt trips is all that is ....

Today is my LAST day of work for the next 3 months (wont be going back unless they call me back to work ...I hope they do I like my job) ... Last night this woman was asking another woman I worked with if she wanted to go out to pizzafor dinner apparently her and Tusli are takingme out but they forgot to tell me lol ... but thats cool im game for going to get some pizza rather than sitting up in the lab for 8.5 hours.

SO last ngiht I got eally pissed at this one person I work with Latoya... she ALWAYS jumps into my conversations and starts an argument with me over something b/c she doesnt agree with my political views so instead of lettingme explain myself she'll listen to aboutwhen I open my mouth adn make the first sound then start screaming about he point... I really really want to knock her out and then I picked up Tulsi GE vocab flash cards thing and she was like youre invading her privacy and I was like legally no im not she left them in a public place in a public area she had NO expectationtion to privacy and then shes like well you leave your car in a public parkinglot can I go in it and drive away and I was like no I have an expectation to privacy thast whyI locked it up and shes like well ill beak the window and I was like so thast commitingmany offenses all at once and shes like no you left it outside andone could take it I tried to explain that that was absurd and she wasnt having it she just yelled somemore and made me want to punch her in the nose/rip out her hair. oh well I wont be seeing her for 3 months and yeah so thats just wonderful... Althou I will miss Alton :( who also wont be in tomorow that guy is awesome! who else will I miss.... prolly just about everyone boooo ... o well I get to drive cross country what could be more awesome than that???

And so what else???lets see according to Brooke I can't be a lesian until I watch at lease one episode of "The L Word" right nw I am onl asexual ... so I can only do it with myself ... hmm well thats not to bad I guess altho I would rather have someone to have fun with... but thats ok this sunday I am goin over to her place to watch the first season or at least pretend to watch ...and right now we are having a conversation about going o work naked ... she suggested that I say the wind blew off my clothes but I countered with the fact that if they were ON me they would blow off and she was like ok you got muggedand that would work only if I was in the car by myself but since i drive with another person they would also have gotten mugged ... so she suggested the other woman stole my clothes and thts why im naked ... I thought about it for a ho second but then opted against going to work naked ... ya know

Oh and everyday for the next 4 yrs am going to wear at lease one piece of black clothing to show my mourning for America ..I suggest more people do it as a silent protst to this illegal alien president who still hasnt shown his proof of citizenship (long version with the doctors name hospital etc)

I think thats alls that been going on with me recently I know i mised a bunch of stuff like who the hell is brooke right??? hah well I'll keep you posted not suree myself altho she fucking rocks

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I like your fourth stop. A 3 month cross country vacation. That's so awesome!! I hope you have fun. What day are you leaving exactly? If you get bored, you know my number. You should totally visit Winslow, Arizona, on Route 66.
