Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Please don't water the seed

So Lunesta tells me that she is "planting a seed" in me and she may "water" it

basically we had this "hypothetical" conversation about if I would get with her ... AFTER she set her friend only boundary ... and I told her I probably wouldn't try to get with her, it would be her doing all the work b/c it was her to stop any possible romantic connection.

So the seed is her wanting to get with me and telling me so ... the thing is I have NO romantic interest in her ... like at all... her personality at times is repulsive ... shes a good person but she is super bossy and yells and makes me nervous a lot ... not to mention the way she treats ppl it is absolutly repulsive ... I don't need another emotional mind fucker in my life!!! Or a person who is going to bring me down ...

Lunesta says she realyl likes my personality and that she has grown to really like me but I have grown to really not be a fan of hers ...

shes texting me right now saying "I miss you" I can't take a needy clingy person in my life or in general I need my space!

any advise on how to make her not like me but still remain friends and get her to understand that she she pushing me away as even a friend with her clingyness???


  1. Yes, say just that. I want to be friends, that's it. If you continue to push forth more of a romantic relationship with me, we can not continue to be friends. The end. Case: Solved.

  2. lol thanx ... that sounds soooo simple!!!
