Tuesday, January 13, 2009


This is a new traffic offense that allows the police to hold you captive for 30 min.

It is called 'Driving While Young'

Yes I was pulled over today by the police for no reason other than pure harrasment.
He wanted to see my drivers licence b/c he said I looked like I should be in HS. I gave it to him and he said that it was a fake or stolen.

He proceded to call the local schools (for 20 min!!!) finally figureed out I wasn't 17 or whatever and then let me go but not before he told me to carry around 2 forms of ID and if I wanted to avoid being pulled over again not to drive during school hours. To which I have to say I am almsot 24 yrs old I'll drive whenever I f*cking want to thank you very much!!!!!!!!

Also the day wasnt complete I went to get my dog her licence and the woman was like are you at least 18? and I was like yeah im 23 and she was like do you have ID I showed her and it was acceptable ... WTF stop IDing me I don't look like I'm 16!!!!!!!!!


  1. WTF?!Told you not to drive during school hours?! Wow. Two forms of ID? Well, maybe if you have a credit card, that can be considered a form of ID, since most under 18 don't have one. :/ Heh.

    That is just really retarded.

  2. The guy was just trying to assert his authority over me ..I roleld my eyes and I drive when I want ... and since I know exactly were he patrols I'll be sure to drive here more often.

  3. that is THE most ridiculous thing i have EVER heard, were you in Hawley perchance?
